Friday, July 24, 2009

Solar Eclipse

Last July 22nd the longest solar eclipse for this century occurred, although it would be only a partial eclipse from my location. Tsk,tsk, if I were still in Taiwan the maximum obscuration would've been 82%, as it is only around 35-39% of the Sun would be blotted out. However this would be my first eclipse of which I'll be using a digital camera. But after days of spotty weather (sudden drizzle or outright rain) I was not so enthusiastic of setting up the telescope, so I just got out the old solar filter on the 20th and tried some shots just using a 100mm lens. Tests were good so I re-updated it that night, and did further tests the next morning. On eclipse day, I awoke earlier than what I set the alarm to. The weather was great! and I was thinking - I really should've set up the scope. Anyway while waiting for the sun to clear the neighboring building, I did my morning duties. Then went back up to take some test shots, and finalize the camera settings before doing cashier duty. While waiting to pass the cashier's baton I was wishing I had set up the scope OR at the least readied the adapters to attach the DSLR to it. So when I got off, I ran upstairs took some shots, seeing the weather as it is, I decided to GO FOR IT...grabbed the T-ring and an adapter and head on to my uncle's house, set up the scope, pulled out the EP adapter,and tried to screw on what I had - it's too SMALL!! and so there goes my chance to shoot ANYTHING thru prime focus for the first time. Quite a lesson for the unprepared.I had to settle for the 100mm f/2.8 macro and this pic is probably the best of the bunch...

Until next time... :-)