Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Improved after firmware update.

So its been more than a week since I updated the firmware of my E160s which I found through this site. Previously, I had disconnects after 30-40 minutes, erratic signal strength reporting (it wouldn't connect at 90% signal but would connect at no signal!) , and the dongle itself would get hot, yeah, really hot! But after the update it's been smooth sailing. I know that there are E160s shipped with this firmware installed and I know there are other places where one could get the same firmware, but the mentioned site is the first to confirm that this update does not re-lock the dongle to a particular service provider.
Now people may recall that the Huawei E220 could be unlocked with a firmware update and using the unbranded Huawei Mobile Partner software. Since I also have a locked E160, I tried updating it with the above firmware and swapped SIMs, result -- no juice, updated but still locked.