Monday, June 21, 2010


Ah, finally got to experiment yesterday with the basic dough recipe from my sister's book. It was a success although the taste is different due to the Canola oil. Sadly I ended up in the toilet around midnight, but I don't think it's due to that. Most probably the takeout dinner.

This morning the final parts of the Pic programmer/debugger a.k.a. Inchworm, got soldered on and preliminary tests shows it's working. I have yet to upload the firmware to it from MPLab. I'll be doing that in a few days. This project's been on hold for a long time. Hopefully it'll work.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

re:Laser toner-transfer

So it actually works, this Samsung laser printer I've had for some time. As from my previous post -- lotsa microholes which forced me to buy and modify AND wreck an Epson inkjet. Turns out all the Samsung wanted was some love...and a new toner cartridge (which I had in storage). That plus turning off the temperature sensor on the laminator so that I could exceed 200 deg. C finally results in very nice transfers using sticker backing paper, with minimal microholes. So my PIC programmer/debugger project marches onward!

back from hibernation...

Hmm, it's been a long time. I'm still alive but somehow lost the mojo to blog. But anyway I'm back though no guarantees I'd do this with more regularity.